Jenny Reed
Jenny Reed is a dance teacher and choreographer based in northern Illinois. She holds an MFA in Dance from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and she graduated magna cum laude from Grand Valley State University in 2018 with a BA in Dance. Her graduate research examined dancers with chronic pain/medical conditions and how they manage their health while working in the dance field.
During her time at Grand Valley, she had the privilege of performing in guest artist works by Richard Bowman, Autumn Eckman, Mark Haim, and Simon Thomas-Train. Her work “comPULSE” was selected by faculty to perform in the GVSU Spring Dance Concert in 2018. Ms. Reed is an adjunct faculty member teaching ballet at Carthage, and her choreographic works “Submerged” (2019) and “Pieces of Me” (2021) received the Carthage Outstanding Dance Ensemble Award. She has also choreographed for the College of Lake County and Trifecta Dance Collective.
Her dance on camera work “Uplifted” was presented at the 2020 Trifecta Dance Film Screening in Chicago. Ms. Reed grew up dancing at the Grayslake Park District, and she is thrilled to now serve the studio as director of dance.